Tips and Tricks

The Best Ways To Find New Clients For Your Business

4 Mins read

Did you know that you don’t have to look for leads to get new customers for your marketing agency? Nope, we’re definitely not trying to pull your leg.

While this may seem counterintuitive, it makes sense for marketing. You know you’re doing your marketing right if you’re generating prospects even without pitching. You may ask what sorcery goes on with marketing to achieve this outstanding result. The key is to actually be so attractive that your new clients just come knocking at your door.

That’s right; it’s the other way around. Instead of you finding your customers, they will see you instead. After all, the mark of effective marketing is natural customer acquisition. And so we have compiled the best tips to fill your pipeline to the brim organically, after all – inbound leads are the most fun!

Here are the six ways you can score leads for your marketing agency without paying for ads:

  1. Put Testimonials on Your Website

Trust in sales is a must. We repeat: trust in sales is a must. It’s more than just convincing your prospect to like your service, they need to overcome their own anxiety to be able to give you money. So they have to feel compelled to want to do it. How can you do this?

The best way is to not sell yourself, but have your clients sell for you, with testimonials.

Have you made a CEO happy with your quality work and dedication? Flex that on your homepage. Did a client grow their business because of you? Put it on your Customers page. 

The more testimonials, the better. So find which customers are happy and get their stories on the site.

  1. Regularly Post SEO-friendly Blogs

Regardless of your product, you need to post blogs. No buts. And if you’re a marketing agency, not having blogs is tantamount to blasphemy. What a waste of potential leads if you don’t produce blogs!

Blogs are a way for your website to be the top search result. This means free advertisement without having to pay a premium. How do you do that? You use SEO techniques by including top keywords and key phrases in your article.

Just this act alone can be the difference between your website gathering dust and being page number one.

  1. Get Lots of Reviews

No matter how great your service is, all will be moot if your page doesn’t have any genuine reviews on other sites (google, etc).

Just like with testimonials on your site, having reviews and testimonials on other sites is huge.

Customers these days are incredibly jaded. They will only trust (there’s that word again) your excellent solution and your top-tier sales talk. Instead, they’d want to read about the first-hand experience of another buyer of the same product. While this may seem like extra work, this is actually an opportunity for your business.

Reviews are valuable because they’re the feedback you need to ensure both your product and market fit together. It’s also a source of multiple free advertisements. Even if the review is negative, it’s your company’s way of showing off your customer service. Do it right, and that 3-star will switch to a 5-star in no time.

  1. Curate your Social Media Pages

Having a killer website is not enough. You need to have multiple social media accounts too. While some businesses tend to use this as yet another customer service channel, social media is where your brand’s community is born. Hence, it would be best if you took it seriously.

Social Media is your way of showing your clients that you’re both active and approachable. You don’t have to post daily, but it’s best to do so regularly. Memes, pop culture references, affirmations, trivia, and quotes are excellent ways to fill your page. You might even go viral if you get lucky, which would mean more prospects.

  1. Create Free Training Guides

When we say free training guides, we do not mean anything other than creating an entire program to teach your audience about marketing. Short downloadable PDFs will actually do the trick.

Some clients are actually trying to self-study the field on their own. While your blogs are helpful, they’d still want a much more detailed guide. In this case, you can create a file that’s a compilation of some of your blogs but with a few added tips.

Not only do you seem generous and helpful, but your clients also get a feel for your services. This might actually convince some of them to sign with you even though they weren’t originally planning to. And if you are offering a course, then think of this as your offline demo.

  1. Switch to SMS Marketing

Noticeably, many companies still rely on email marketing to update their clients and do promotions. But did you know that SMS marketing exists, too, and it’s actually way better?

Boasting a 98% open rate, text marketing beats email marketing which only has a 21% open rate. If you want to be noticed, talk to your clients through text. In fact, if your ICP is below 50 years of age, text marketing is the way to go.

Text marketing helps you close leads. Unlike the Contact Us form, where customers have to wait for a response and may end up going to another brand instead, text marketing cuts that time. It’s actually a sales tactic to get your customers to inquire further, as that will stir feelings of investment in your brand.

Do SMS Marketing Right With Torowave

While SMS marketing sounds promising, you might think you want to stay away from staring at your phone. Why wait for a text that might not be there, right? Guess what? Good news for you!

Torowave will automatically send an SMS on your behalf until someone from your company can reply. Torowave also comes with a handy widget for your website, allowing your customers to text you easily. Still, hesitating? Try our 7-day free trial and see the results for yourself!

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